Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degree Requirements:

Schedule for Timely Completion

ECE's expectations for the timely completion of the PhD degree requirements are outlined below. Timely completion is a condition of financial support and continued registration.

SGS policy requires that the supervisory committee be formed and meet within the first 16 months of registration; in ECE this requirement is met through the thesis proposal (i.e. the thesis proposal presentation is the 1st annual supervisory committee meeting).

Thereafter, the student must meet with their supervisory committee at least once per year. As per Section 7.5.2 of the SGS General Regulations:

  • “A student is expected to meet with this committee at least once a year, and more often if the committee so requires. At each meeting, the supervisory committee will assess the student's progress in the program and provide advice on future work.”
  • “A student who, through their own neglect, fails to meet with the supervisory committee in a given year will be considered to have received an unsatisfactory progress report from the committee.”

The Department Oral Examination (DOE) is the student's final annual supervisory committee meeting. The DOE can replace the requirement of a supervisory committee meeting in the student’s final year if the DOE takes place within 12 months of the student’s previous supervisory committee meeting.

Program EntryCourses + JDE1000HBackground StatementQualifying ExaminationThesis Proposal (1st Annual Sup. Comm. Meeting) + Achieve Candidacy2nd Annual Sup. Comm. Meeting3rd Annual Sup. Comm. MeetingDept. Oral Exam (4th Annual Sup. Comm. Meeting) + Final Oral Exam
May 2023Complete over Fall 2023 and Winter 2024Complete by November 2023Complete by May/June 2024Complete by July 2024Complete by July 2025Complete by July 2026Complete by April 2027
Sep. 2023Complete over Fall 2023 and Winter 2024Complete by November 2023Complete by May/June 2024Complete by November 2024Complete by November 2025Complete by November 2026Complete by August 2027
Jan. 2024Complete over Winter 2024 and Fall 2024Complete by March 2024Complete by September/October 2024Complete by March 2025Complete by March 2026Complete by March 2027Complete by December 2027
May 2024Complete over Fall 2024 and Winter 2025Complete by November 2024Complete by May/June 2025Complete by July 2025Complete by July 2026Complete by July 2027Complete by April 2028
Sep. 2024Complete over Fall 2024 and Winter 2025Complete by November 2024Complete by May/June 2025Complete by November 2025Complete by November 2026Complete by November 2027Complete by August 2028
Jan. 2025Complete over Winter 2025 and Fall 2025Complete by March 2025Complete by September/October 2025Complete by March 2026Complete by March 2027Complete by March 2028Complete by December 2028