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Past Events

ECE Alumni Connections: Reception & Research Talk 2020

Q-tipping Point: Using Electrical Signals for a Rapid COVID-19 Test

Graduates from all years caught up with their fellow ECE classmates and heard ECE PhD Candidate Surath Gomis discuss his research.

ECE Alumni Connections: Reception & Research Talk 2019

Why is my panda a gibbon? Making machine learning secure and trustworthy

Graduates from all years attended the Fall Alumni Networking Reception  to caught up with their fellow ECE classmates and hear ECE Professor Nicolas Papernot discuss his research.

Alumni Reunion 2019

At our our annual Alumni Reunion alumni caught up with their former classmates and professors and enjoyed a complimentary lunch, followed by lab tours.

Fourth Year & Alumni Celebration 2019

Congratulations to the Class of 1T9 and 1T8+PEY!

Former classmates, professors and staff joined the graduating fourth-year students at the conclusion of their busy Design Fair week to recognize our students' accomplishments, and check out a few selected design projects.

Why stay in touch?

a)  To share news
b)  To hire someone or get hired
c)  To catch up on the latest research
d)  To become a mentor or mentee
e) All of the above

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