Posts Categorized: Photonics
An international team of researchers has developed a new coating that extends the lifetime of perovskite solar cells by more than 1,000 hours
Professor Donna Strickland of the University of Waterloo answers students’ questions after her talk on high-intensity lasers and nonlinear optics, where she explained the science and the journey behind the […]
Professor Hoi-Kwong Lo, seen here in his lab, has been awarded with the Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Applied Photonics by the Canadian Association of Physicists and Institut National d’Optique. […]
U of T Engineering PhD candidates Jehad Abed (left) and Hitarth Choubisa (right) with a vial of the newly-synthesized catalyst for hydrogen production, which was discovered with the help of […]
Left to right: PhD student Aidan Maxwell, postdoctoral fellow Hao Chen and postdoctoral fellow Chongwen Li (all ECE) demonstrate their prototype all-perovskite tandem solar cell at their testing facility at […]
Oseremen Ebewele (ChemE MEng candidate) is one of two recipients of this year’s IBET Momentum Fellowships. (Photo: Tyler Irving) AUGUST 12, 2022 • By Tyler Irving For Oseremen Ebewele (ChemE MEng […]
U of T Engineering team designed an electrochemical process to efficiently convert captured carbon into a form that can be easily stored or recycled
New manufacturing technique for inverted perovskite solar cells increases both stability and power conversion efficiency
Christine Gabardo, co-founder and technology director at U of T startup CERT Systems, is using electrochemistry "to tackle one of our world’s biggest challenges, which is climate change.” (Photo: Schatzypants […]
Dr. Xue Wang, a postdoctoral researcher in the lab of Professor Ted Sargent (ECE) installs a new electrocatalyst, made of copper doped with silver and ruthenium, that can efficiently convert […]
Showing 11 - 20 of 108 results