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CARTE: OncoSim – A Free Cancer Simulation Tool to Advance Cancer Control

Sandford Fleming Building, Room 3201 10 King’s College Rd, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

CARTE Industry Speaker Seminar Series welcome Jean Yong and Dr. Rochelle Garner, for an in-person industry speaker seminar. Topic: OncoSim – A Free Cancer Simulation Tool to Advance Cancer Control Date and Time: Friday Feb 3, 2023 (12:00 – 1:00 PM EST) Speakers: Jean Yong (Canadian Partnership Against Cancer) and Dr. Rochelle Garner (Statistics Canada) Registration: Register for this event. Capacity […]

ECE DLS: P.P. Vaidyanathan “Srinivasa Ramanujan and Signal Processing”


Professor P.P. Vaidyanathan, California Institute of Technology Title: Srinivasa Ramanujan and Signal Processing Abstract: The great mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan introduced a summation in 1918, today called the Ramanujan-sum. For many years this summation was used by mathematicians to prove important results in number theory. In recent years, some researchers have found applications of this sum in digital […]

ECE Iron Ring Reception

Myhal Centre Lobby

Following your Iron Ring ceremony, we will be hosting an ECE Iron Ring Reception and we invite you (and your guest ring presenter if you have chosen to have one at the ceremony) to celebrate with us. Please join us as we celebrate your achievements and welcome you to the calling of an engineer! Light […]

ECE DLS: Susan Lord “Enhancing Learning and Inclusivity in Electrical Engineering


Professor Susan Lord, University of San Diego Title: Enhancing Learning and Inclusivity in Electrical Engineering Abstract: How can we educate students to be the most effective engineers when they graduate? What does it take to attract a broader range of students to electrical and computer engineering? What curricular efforts could support both of these goals? These are […]

ECE DLS: Joseph Bardin “Google Quantum AI and The University of Massachusetts Amherst”


Professor Joseph Bardin, University of Massachusetts Amherst Title: Google Quantum AI and The University of Massachusetts Amherst Abstract: Over the past decade, the field of quantum computing has evolved from one primarily known for generating scientific papers to one which promises to enable computations that would not be possible using any other known technology. Following this potential, […]

ECE DLS: James Rawlings “Economic Optimization of Large-Scale Systems with Model Predictive Control”


Professor James Rawlings, University of California, Santa Barbara Title: Economic Optimization of Large-Scale Systems with Model Predictive Control Abstract: Maintaining high standards of living while decreasing our impact on the planet requires both new technologies as well as increasingly efficient operation of these technologies at large scale. This talk presents the central ideas of model predictive […]

ECE Amplifier: Women in Research

GB202 35 St George St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Join us April 12, 2023, 12 p.m. in GB202 for a panel discussion with ECE professors as well as networking opportunities for those interested in either grad school, summer research opportunities or would like to learn more about research in ECE. Professor Deepa Kundur, Chair of ECE, will moderate the panel that includes Professors Margaret […]

Mobility Network: Considering access, ethics and practice of data in mobility policies


Overview Data plays a significant role in mobility policies and planning, especially in forecasting, policy evaluations, and assessments. Planners, administrators, and academics acknowledge the importance of accurate data for efficient mobility policies. The surge in the collection and use of data over the last decade raises questions over its access, ethics, and practice. How are […]


EdTech Workshop 2023: CTRL +shift

Myhal Centre Lobby

What are the event details? Hosted by the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, the EdTech Workshop 2023: CTRL +shift is a one-day, in person event featuring informal sessions (demonstrations, case studies, panels, etc.) led by instructors and staff from across the three U of T campuses.  This year’s theme, CTRL +Shift, is a play on using the modifier keys on […]


Compute Acceleration Symposium


Hardware Breakthroughs for the Future of Computing Artificial intelligence and machine learning are becoming pervasive in our society, and roadblocks to its continued growth must not be ignored. The energy consumption and costs required to train neural networks in large-scale computing facilities are rising exponentially, which will affect its scalability. To run neural networks on […]


U of T Alumni Reunion

Come back to U of T for five days of tri-campus fun, including free lectures, street festivities, activities for the kids and more. Alumni Reunion is the biggest alumni event of the year. Among the many events, check out these ones specific to engineering alumni: Alumni Pub Social: Friday, June 2, 6 p.m. - 9:00 […]

Reconciliation: Walking the Path of Indigenous Allyship


As part of the Faculty’s commitment to improving Indigenous inclusion, all U of T Engineering faculty, staff and students are called upon to start or continue their personal journeys towards understanding and acknowledging Indigenous peoples’ history, truths and culture. Launched in 2021, the Indigenous Cultural Competency Toolkit has been created by and with Indigenous leaders to help guide your journey. […]
