PhD Background
The background requirement is intended to ensure that students have sufficient education in the various fields in electrical and computer engineering to pursue the PhD program. Normally, this requirement will be satisfied by courses completed during the undergraduate program. A PhD student with a non-ECE undergraduate degree may be required to complete additional courses to satisfy the background requirement.
- In order to demonstrate background and preparation, each PhD student is required to complete a PhD Background Statement.
- Please note the relevant deadlines for submission of the PhD background statement to the ECE Graduate Office:
- September starters must submit the PhD background statement to the ECE Graduate Office by the end of November.
- January starters must submit the PhD background statement to the ECE Graduate Office by the end of March.
- The chair and graduate coordinator will review the PhD background statements for all students in their group.
- Based on the information contained in your PhD background statement, the chair and graduate coordinator may recommend that you complete additional courses in order to achieve sufficient background.
- The PhD background statement will form an important part of your PhD qualifying examination file.