Funding Packages for the 2022-23 Academic Year

Important Notes

Details on ECE's funding commitment and how funding packages are structured and paid can be found on our guaranteed funding webpage.

The tables below summarize the minimum funding packages for all MASc & PhD students within their period of guaranteed funding for the period of Sep. 2022 to Aug. 2023.

As demonstrated in the tables below, the total minimum funding amount (other than external scholarship, if applicable) is made up of contributions from the supervisor ('research fellowship') and the department ('student fellowship'). At their discretion, supervisors are permitted to pay more than the minimum required research fellowship amount.

Students are encouraged to apply for external scholarships & awards and are required to report awards valued at more than $5,000 to the ECE Graduate Office. Students who hold external awards valued at more than $5,000 will receive enhanced financial packages as per the tables below.

All amounts listed on this page and the ECE website are in Canadian dollars (CAD) unless otherwise indicated. 

MASc Students Paying Domestic Fees

Total academic year tuition & fees (Sep. 2022 to Aug. 2023): $8,054.28

Funding ScenarioMinimum Total Funding PackageExternal Award ContributionSupervisor Contribution
(Research Fellowship)
ECE Dept. Contribution
(Student Fellowship)
Standard Funding Package (no external award)$26,554
Holds a Hatch Scholarship$33,054
Holds an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)
Holds a Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship (QEII-GSST)
Holds an NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship -Master's Program (NSERC CGS-M)
Holds a Bell Graduate Scholarship

MASc Students Paying International Fees

Total academic year tuition & fees (Sep. 2022 to Aug. 2023): $30,120.28

Funding ScenarioMinimum Total Funding PackageExternal Award ContributionSupervisor Contribution
(Research Fellowship)
ECE Dept. Contribution
(Student Fellowship)
Standard Funding Package (no external award)$48,620



Holds a Hatch Scholarship$55,120



Holds an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)



PhD Students Paying Domestic Fees

Total academic year tuition & fees (Sep. 2022 to Aug. 2023): $8,054.28

Funding ScenarioMinimum Total Funding PackageExternal Award ContributionSupervisor Contribution
(Research Fellowship)
ECE Dept. Contribution
(Student Fellowship)
Standard Funding Package (no external award)$26,554
Holds a Walter C. Sumner Memorial Fellowship
Holds a Hatch Scholarship$33,054
Holds an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)
Holds a Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship (QEII-GSST)
Holds a Bell Graduate Scholarship
Holds an NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship - Doctoral (NSERC PGS-D)
Holds an NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral (NSERC CGS-D)
Holds an NSERC Vanier Scholarship$50,000$50,000$0$0

PhD Students Paying International Fees

Total academic year tuition & fees (Sep. 2022 to Aug. 2023): $8,810.28

Funding ScenarioMinimum Total Funding PackageExternal Award ContributionSupervisor Contribution
(Research Fellowship)
ECE Dept. Contribution
(Student Fellowship)
Standard Funding Package (no external award)$27,310
Holds a Hatch Scholarship$33,810
Holds an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)
Holds a People's Republic of China, China Scholarship Council Scholarship (PRC CSC)$38,730



Holds a Connaught International Scholarship$37,310
Holds an NSERC Vanier Scholarship$50,000$50,000$0$0