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Prof. Mostafa El-Sayed of Georgia Tech addresses attendees at Plasmonics Summer School 2013.Prof. Mostafa El-Sayed of Georgia Tech addresses attendees at Plasmonics Summer School Aug. 26, 2013.

International experts gather for Plasmonics Summer School

From left to right: Safa Kasap (General Chair), University of Saskatchewan; Nazir Kherani (Co-Chair, Local Chair, and Proceedings co-Editor), University of Toronto; Alla Reznik (Co-Chair and Proceedings Coordinating Editor), TBRRI and Lakehead University.

Silver anniversary International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors commences at U of T

Professor Amr Helmy.

Major quantum conference launches at U of T

Professors Jason Anderson and Joyce Poon.

ECE announces six faculty promotions

A2B pictured on King's College Circle, University of Toronto, July 24, 2013.

Trescases brings world’s only Canadian-made custom electric car to ECE

Mansoor Yousefi (left) and Frank Kschischang (right).

Yousefi wins J.K. Wolf Award at IEEE ISIT

Frey, Morris & U of T team catalogue key motifs for gene regulation

SAVI demonstrates new testbed at 2nd annual general meeting

ECE student poster tops at Broadcom Competition

ECE Professor Brendan Frey, Toronto team ID proteins key in stem cell production

Blue Sky Solar Racing team unveils new vehicle

International Symposium on Technology & Society comes to Toronto