Two ECE students receive Cressy Student Leadership Awards

April 22, 2016

Two students from The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering received the Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award at a ceremony held at Convocation Hall on April 20. Ming Yi Bian (Year 4 ElecE + PEY) and Devangini Mishra (Year 4 ElecE + PEY) were among 15 engineering students to receive the award.

MingYiBianMing Yi Bian (Year 4 ElecE + PEY)

YNCN is the largest student-run career development organization at U of T, and it wouldn’t be where it is today without the ingenuity, initiative and leadership of Ming Yi. One of the founding members YNCN, she saw an opportunity to support her fellow students in landing interviews, mentorship opportunities and jobs. Currently, Ming is the president of YNCN and oversees five teams of executives. In addition to her academic workload, she dedicates time each week to mentoring and presenting to other students, as well as supporting her team personally and professionally. Ming Yi has also been very involved with the Sustainable Engineers Association as the director of field trips. During her time in this role, her efforts led to a doubling in the number of field trips and saw a Faculty-wide e-waste recycling program re-established.

DevanginiMishraDevangini Mishra (Year 4 ElecE + PEY)

Devangini has been a student leader dedicated to giving back and improving the Engineering community since her first day at U of T. She was a founding member of Engineering to Policy, part of the Skule™ Patrol and a workshop lead for the U of T chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB). More recently, Devangini was the director of finance for the U of T Engineering Kompetitions (UTEK) and managed to add an additional competition to the calendar. She was also the director of conference speakers for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers at U of T where she organized speakers, judges and panelists, and spearheaded a partnership with another organization. However, Devangini’s proudest moment came from the founding of TechXplore — a university-wide club where students can learn programming languages, software packages and new technology through free workshops.

See the complete list of winners from U of T Engineering.

Named after the former U of T Vice-President of Development and University Relations, the Gordon Cressy award recognizes graduating students who have demonstrated leadership qualities by contributing to the improvement of the world around them and inspiring others to do the same.

“The outstanding leadership co- and extra-curricular contributions of our Cressy Award winners have enriched and strengthened U of T Engineering, the University and the larger community,” Dean Cristina Amon said. “I am confident that the competencies and experiences they have gained through these activities will uniquely position them to become global engineering leaders in their lives beyond graduation. I extend my warmest congratulations to each of them, on behalf of the entire Faculty.”

With files from Kevin Soobrian.

More information:
Jessica MacInnis
Senior Communications Officer
The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering