The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering welcomed its incoming F!rosh class of 1T7 and all its returning student this week, with quizzes, lunches, orientation sessions, barbecues and all manner of fun before it’s time to hit the books.

Welcome to the New Age
Professor Khoman Phang spearheaded the ECE department’s Fun with Faculty event for F!rosh on Wednesday, Sept. 3 with the help of Susan Grant and students Houman Rastegarfar, Israel Levy Monzon Gonzalez, Aditi Kumaraswamy, Sujieth Kulendran, Kevin Lee and Jimmy Lu. New students put their knowledge to the test in the quiz session as they faced questions on topics ranging from physics and Skule history, to pop culture and engineers in sports. Respondents buzzed in using a phone app developed by Ahmet Aksoy and Paul Wang, both class of 1T3, for their fourth-year capstone design project. Winners walked away with ECE USB keys.
Prof. Phang welcomed the new class by playing his guitar and singing along to the song ‘Radioactive’ by Imagine Dragons, his performance accompanied by an energizing video all about F!rosh week in all its dip-dyed purple glory.

Second-Year Barbecue
On a beautifully sunny Friday afternoon, returning second-years were invited out onto the Bahen Patio for a barbecue lunch run by Linda Espeut, Jayne Leake, Karen Irving and Mary Miceli of ECE’s undergraduate office. Burgers, veggie burgers and hot dogs were on offer as students mingled with professors and staff after the first two days of class.
“It’s a very inviting event,” said Peter Luo, his friend Enoch Yoo adding, “Free food is always good food!”
Spirits were high as students chatted, laughed, and looked forward to one last weekend before the first full week of classes. Nicholas Parmar said being back felt “exciting.” “It’s nice to see friends,” added Richard Lin. Aldridge Braz was positive: “I love it!”
The first full week of class starts Monday, Sept. 9. Best wishes to the new class of 1T7 from all ECE faculty and staff!
More information:
Marit Mitchell
Senior Communications Officer
The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering