Nachman, Adrian I.


Mathematics / ECE (Biomedical Engineering)


Contact Information
Phone: (416) 946-7973
Office: BA 5120


Adrian I. Nachman received his BSc Degree (with Honours in Mathematics) from McGill University in 1974, and his PhD in Mathematics from Princeton University in 1980. He joined the University of Toronto in 2001 as Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering and in Mathematics. From 1979-1981 he taught at Yale University, and from 1981-2001 at the University of Rochester. His research interests are mainly in Inverse Problems and Partial Differential Equations arising in Medical Imaging. He has made fundamental contributions to the field of Inverse Problems, solving several well-known longstanding open problems, and introducing powerful methods which are widely used. He has also had a strong and long held interest in collaborations with researchers in Electrical Engineering, which led to breakthrough ideas in ultrasound and electromagnetic imaging, and more recently on determining conductivity properties of tissue by novel use of magnetic resonance imagers. He was on the Editorial Board of Inverse Problems from 1991 to 1994. He was the lead organizer of the Mitacs Focus Period on the Mathematics of Medical Imaging, June 2011 to August 2012, which included a major conference in Toronto, and several workshops at the Newton Institute in Cambridge, U.K., in Vancouver and in Toronto. He was the lead organizer of a Thematic Program on Inverse Problems and Imaging at the Fields Institute from January to August 2012. He currently serves on the Steering Committee of the Centre for Mathematical Medicine at the Fields Institute.


  • Anne Molson Gold Medal for the top graduating student in Science and Mathematics at McGill University, 1974
  • J. W. Gibbs Instructorship, Yale University 1979-1981
  • The SIAM Invited Address at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, 2013
  • Professional Engineers Ontario (Limited License for Faculty)