Who we are
The University of Toronto Electric Vehicle (UTEV) Research Centre is a university-industry partnership focused on the development of groundbreaking technologies for Electric Vehicles (EVs). UTEV is led by Prof. Trescases and Prof. Lehn in The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering with multi-disciplinary collaborations with professors from the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MIE) and the U of T Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS). UTEV was launched in 2016 with five years of major infrastructure and project funding from the founding industry partner, Havelaar Canada.
UTEV is currently deploying state-of-the-art high-power test infrastructure for battery management and power electronics prototype development. UTEV will establish a global hub for advanced EV research in the heart of Canada’s largest and most innovative city. All companies, faculty members and students with an interest in electric mobility are invited to join and collaborate with UTEV.
What we do
The core technical focus of UTEV is on:
Power electronic converters for EV drivetrains
Novel power electronic converters enable the connection of energy sources to the systems and motor of the EV. Thus, they are a crucial component and can have a substantial impact on functionality and range of EVs.
Charging infrastructure
A charging infrastructure is required for the widespread adoption of EVs. This demands development in both charging stations and on-board chargers, which can be leveraged for grid support applications to improve customer value. Furthermore, the battery of the EV can be utilized for active power support on an unprecedented scale.
Energy storage for EVs
Energy storage is a key component to EVs, and advanced development in this area is key to widespread adoption of EVs. Advancing battery pack technology will increase lifetime, and unlock additional capacity without compromising safety.
Autonomous operation of EVs
The electrification of cars provides a natural platform for autonomous vehicle development. Careful integration of autonomous operation can improve EV performance while also improving vehicle safety.
Contact Us
Professor Olivier Trescases
Email: ot@ece.utoronto.ca
Phone: (416) 978-2274
Office: SF 1020A
Professor Peter Lehn
Email: lehn@ecf.utoronto.ca
Phone: (416) 946-5355
Office: SF 1021J